The Urgency of Punishment Policy for Buyers of Child Sexual Exploitation in the Form of Prostitution


  • Fiska Zenita Putri Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto



Child Exploitation, Sexual, Criminal Offender


As  the  weakest  and  most  vulnerable  social  beings  in  society, ironically,  children  are  often  put  in  a disadvantaged  position,  and  become  victims  of  a crime.  One  of  the  problems  faced  by  children  is  the crime of sexual exploitation of children in the form of child prostitution. One of the reasons why child prostitution is increasing is the growing demand for the global sex market. Child sex buyers have a big hand in controlling child prostitution by creating a demand for it. Reflecting on the countries of South Korea, Philippines and Sweden which already have specific and firm national regulations in providing elements regarding the sexual exploitation of children and the punishment of buyers of child sex in the form of prostitution. This is what is needed to be accommodated in the current Child Protection Law in Indonesia by making clear, firm, and specific regulations so that it will not provide errors for all law enforcement officers in dealing with and resolving criminal cases of sexual exploitation of children in the form of child prostitution.


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How to Cite

Putri, F. Z. (2023). The Urgency of Punishment Policy for Buyers of Child Sexual Exploitation in the Form of Prostitution. Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities, 14, 86–93.