Teaching Speaking Using Youtube to Eleventh Grade Students in SMK PGRI 4 Kediri


  • Roni Nurfaid Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri




Youtube, Speaking Skill, Teaching Speaking


The ability of English speaking skills at SMK PGRI 4 Kediri can still be said to be low, they need to learn a lot more about speaking, the researcher wants to apply the learning media, namely YouTube to students' speaking skills, whether there will be changes in their skills later. Therefore, researchers wanted to do this research aims to know there are any significant differences or not after give the learning media, namely YouTube in students’ speaking skills in Eleventh Grade SMK PGRI 4 Kediri. This research questions are: 1) How are students' speaking skills before being given YouTube videos?,  and 2) How significance is the effect after being taught using YouTube? The subject of this research is eleventh grade TKRO 2 in SMK PGRI 4 Kediri which consist 25 students. This research used a quantitative method  and  used a pretest and  posttest data collection. Then, the researcher analyzed the data by paired t-test in SPSS. The result of research showed significant increasing in the effect of YouTube. The T-Test had been found 25.067>-1.350, so tcount > ttable, then the score of pretest and posttest any significant increase, namely from 41,60 to 65,60. So the researcher concluded if YouTube is worth it to apply in students learning in speaking.


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How to Cite

Nurfaid, R. (2023). Teaching Speaking Using Youtube to Eleventh Grade Students in SMK PGRI 4 Kediri. Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities, 13, 138–140. https://doi.org/10.30595/pssh.v13i.895