Psychology in Individual and Community Empowerment to Build New Normal Lifestyle


  • Tokie Anme University of Tsukuba Japan


Kata Kunci:

Psychology, Individual, Community, Empowerment


What is Empowerment? Empowerment is to give people dreams and hopes, encourage them, and bring out the wonderful power of life that they originally have. Everyone is born with great power. And you can continue to exert great power throughout your life. Empowerment is to bring out that wonderful power. Just as gushing out from the spring, it is critical to bring out the vitality and potential of each person. In practices such as psychology, health, medical care, welfare, education, administration, management, and community development, the wonderful potential that each person originally has is brought up and manifested, and through activities, can create positive change for the development of people's lives and society. We will make use of it. In addition, in groups such as organizations and communities, the vitality and abilities hidden in each person are effectively drawn out, and this power is used as energy to support the growth of people and the development of the community. This is the empowerment required of organizations, communities, and people.



Cara Mengutip

Anme, T. (2021). Psychology in Individual and Community Empowerment to Build New Normal Lifestyle. Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities, 2, viii-x.