Vol 1 (2021): Proceedings of the Integration of Disaster Mitigation Learning in School

					Lihat Vol 1 (2021): Proceedings of the Integration of Disaster Mitigation Learning in School

Proceeding on national Seminar of Master of Social Science Education and Geography Education 2021. Organized by Master of Social Science Education and Geography Education with the seminar theme "Integration of Disaster Mitigation Learning in Schools", carried out virtually on April, 3rd 2021.

Please click here for the conference website

Editor(s): Sriyanto (Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia), Ari Wijayanti (Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia)

Publisher: UMP Press  |  ISSN: 2808-103X  |  ISBN: 978-602-6697-87-5
Series: Social Sciences & Humanities
Conference dates: April 3rd, 2021
Location: Purwokerto, Indonesia

Copyright 2021 © Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities. All Right Reserved

Diterbitkan: 2021-06-16
