Critical Analysis of the Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles in the Learning Process at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Central Cilacap District
Critical, Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students, LearningAbstract
The current implementation of the learning process is a distance learning transition due to the co-19 pandemic in 2020 and face-to-face learning in the new normal era. Face-to-face learning actually took place before the Covid 19 pandemic hit Indonesia. During the Covid 19 pandemic, learning took place remotely which resulted in alienation between teachers and students. The existence of learning loss is one of the policies contained in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No 719 / P / 2020, the impact of distance learning is the basis of this curriculum change. In (Rachmawati et al., 2022) the application of project-based learning is an option in the prototype curriculum which is considered capable of supporting learning recovery due to learning loss as character development according to the Pancasila Student Profile.The aims of the study were (1) to describe the implementation of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Central Cilacap District; (2) analyzing the strengthening of the Pancasila student profile project in the learning process at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Central Cilacap District; (3) to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of strengthening learning in the Pancasila student profile project at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Central Cilacap District. This research took place at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Central Cilacap District. The research used is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach using the Phenomenology model. The results of this study are 1) the implementation of strengthening the Pancasila student profile project at SD Negeri Sidanegara 04, Cilacap Tengah District, has gone very well. 2) The various characters formed in the implementation of the Pancasila student profile project include being independent, mutual cooperation and creative. 3) the supporting factors for the activity are the support of the principal, teachers and employees, parents, guardians and committees. Some partners also support the activity. The inhibiting factor for the activity was the coordination between the teacher and the student's guardians besides the limited time and energy.
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